Martial Arts Selling

Course Description

Regardless of what you’re selling, a product and/or service” rarely sells itself.   You, the seller, must be able to effectively communicate to the potential buyer or there will be no deal.  Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a proven communication technology successfully used for decades in the psychological community.  Today, NLP is being applied in the business setting and can help you identify the best way to communicate with different individuals, creating personal rapport that dramatically increases your sales potential.

LearnFirm has effectively tailored this dynamic communication technology to apply to corporate sales.   NLP is unmatched for improving interpersonal communications in the sales arena.  Participants learn the skills to apply NLP techniques to their sales processes and immediately improve their success at closing the sale.  Martial Arts Selling will provide the edge you need to set and meet remarkable sales goals in today’s competitive business environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the meaning of NLP
  • Determine specific applications of NLP
  • Understand sensory acuity
  • Match NLP presuppositions to correct definitions
  • Apply the concept of two types of communications on scenarios
  • Identify the three things effective communicators do
  • Develop a compelling outcomes
  • Increase sensory acuity
  • Evaluate flexibility in a communication event
  • Decide which representational system fits numerous scenarios
  • Identify three techniques to building subconscious rapport
  • Decide the stages of mastery in relation to a sales interaction

Course Content

  • What is NLP?
  • NLP and the Sales Interaction
  • Applications of NLP
  • NLP Presuppositions
  • Two Types of Communicating
  • The Three Things Effective Communicators Do
  • Creating Compelling Outcomes
  • Increasing Sensory Acuity
  • Flexibility in Communications
    • Visual
    • Auditory

Course Cost:$289.00

Course Hours: 5