VOC: The Voice of the Customer

Course Description

There’s a big difference between a product or service feature and a customer need.   Do you know how to recognize it?  In any product or service development endeavor, the Voice of the Customer (VOC) is critical to meeting market needs. This course covers the basics of how to gather customer data and use the different methodologies needed to analyze customer input.  Participants will gain an appreciation for the importance of understanding customer needs.

This LearnFirm.com course incorporates exercises, quizzes, a final exam and a certificate of completion.  A downloadable workbook contains numerous templates to make your initial contact with customers more effective.  These indispensable templates include: a customer selection matrix, demographic surveys, phone scripts, contact letters, ninety-five customer focus group questions, sample interview guides, competitor analysis forms, environmental mapping sheets, data validation forms and a comprehensive bibliography.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the meaning for the VOC
  • Describe the difference between basic, performance, and excitement quality as defined by the Kano Model
  • Identify how and where customer information can be collected within an organization and outside the organization
  • Create a customer selection matrix based on an organization's market
  • Construct phone scripts and contact letters
  • Recognize the difference between a customer need and a product feature
  • Define appropriate questioning techniques using the VOC process
  • Identify benefits of one-on-one interviews vs. focus groups
  • Understand how to conduct one-on-one interviews and focus groups
  • Explain how to build subconscious rapport
  • Outline the steps involved in a total VOC process
  • Determine key environmental aspects at the customers' location

Course Content

  • VOC Defined
  • The Kano Model and Customer satisfaction
  • Ways to Solicit Customer Input
  • Types and Number of Customers to Contact
  • Customer Contact Letters
  • Generic Interview Questions
  • Needs vs. Features
  • Questioning Techniques
  • Interviews vs. Focus Groups
  • One-on-one Interviews
  • Building Subconscious Rapport
  • Roles in a Focus Group
  • Conducting Focus Groups
  • Going to the Customer's Place - The "Gemba"
  • Exam